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AMU Notable Alumni

List of Notable Alumni from Aligarh Muslim University

Notable Alumni

Worldwide, Aligarh Muslim University students and Amu Notable Alumni are dispersed.Precisely as anticipated by Sir Syed when the foundation for MAO College was set. The little plant will ultimately develop into an enormous tree whose branches will contact each landmass. Because of its residential nature, where students spend their first five to ten years of life with others their own age, 
AMU was and continues to be a singular experience. Sharing everything, feasting, contemplating, and living respectively serious areas of strength for fashions ties, and this is regularly the thing keeps the Aligarians persuaded much sometime down the road. At the point when they get together once more, they attempt to reproduce the great times from their childhood and revive their normal desires and objectives, which restores the eminent “Aligarh Spirit.” All members of the AMU fraternity refer to themselves as “Aligs” or “Aligarians,” regardless of whether they are students, instructors, or other university employees.

The following People are Famous Personalities at AMU

Established in 1875 by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Aligarh Muslim College (AMU) prior root through MAO College has for sure developed into a worldwide organization, satisfying Sir Syed’s vision of creating uncommon people. Among the pride of AMU are its Outstanding Graduated class, whose achievements range different fields around the world.

AMU’s tradition of scholastic greatness and its obligation to encouraging all encompassing improvement have molded pioneers, masterminds, and trend-setters. Prominent Graduated class from AMU have made critical commitments in different spaces, making a permanent imprint on society. From noteworthy examination to positions of authority in governmental issues, business, and the scholarly world, they keep on epitomizing the college’s qualities.

The effect of AMU Striking Graduated class broadens all around the world, with their impact felt in various landmasses. These recognized people embody the extraordinary force of training and the getting through tradition of AMU.

As the college keeps on supporting future pioneers, the tradition of AMU’s Prominent Graduated class fills in as motivation for current and imminent understudies, building up the establishment’s obligation to delivering people who have a beneficial outcome on the world.

Following are AMU famous Personalities

AMU was regardless is a one of a kind encounter. It isn’t simply an incredible seat of upper advancing yet in addition because of its private person, where one offers 5 to 10 years of existence with individuals of an indistinguishable age section. Sharing all that — living, eating, and concentrating together, lays out obligations of an intently sew family, frequently vitalizing the Algerians considerably sometime down the road. As they rejoin, whenever the situation allows, they re-authorize the fun of the former days of their childhood and revive their common expectations and beliefs and, in this manner, the well known ‘Aligarh Soul.’ All clubs at AMU refer to themselves as “Aligs” or “Aligarians,” whether they are understudies, educators, or other staff working at the College. The following is the rundown of AMU Renowned Characters.

  • Mohammad Hamid Ansari
  • Sheikh Abdullah
  • Arif Mohammad khan
  • Naseeruddin Shah
  • Zakir Hussain
  •  Irfan Habib
  • Jawed Akhtar
  • Lala Amarnath
  • Dilip Tahil
  • Anubhav Sinha
  • Saadat Hassan Mant
  • Mufti Mohammad Sayeed
  • Majid Hussain
  • Anwara Taimur
  • Mohammad Azam Khan
  • Frank Islam
  • Liaqat Ali Khan
  •  Khan Abdul Gaffar
  • Major Dhyan Chand
  • Ashok Seth
  • and there are many more