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AMU, BHU, JMI, DBRAU Papers and Notes – Notesavailable

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Mohd Salman

Best Coaching in Aligarh ICC Helping You Build Inner Resilience.

This Journey from just an Coaching Institute, to the most powerful brand in serious education has been exhilarating. However, the Journey is not over yet For us at IQRA COACHING, The Journey will never be over… For us, this Journey itself is the destination.
Toppers Of ICC

Topics I Discuss



Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.



Capture and share the world’s moments.



The best strategy to make students learn is to create an engaging and interactive learning environment . 



Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence and guide followers or members of an organization, society or team.

I’m Mohd Salman.
I Help Entrepreneurs Build Their Dreams.

An entrepreneurial journey almost always begins with a dream. For many, this remains a dream. Some dreamers allow the fear of failure overcome their desire to live out their dream business ideas. Others jump in without preparation.
Best Coaching in Aligarh ICC

I would describe myself as a positive, energetic, knowledgeable, and industrious teacher. I have a flexible style of teaching that can cater to all students and abilities. I would also say that I am a high-achieving teacher. For example, in my last role, I managed to turn around an underperforming class.


I am an effective communicator, both in writing and verbally and I have a strong ability to plan and organise effectively; something which is crucial to the role of a competent teacher. I cope very well with pressure and can adapt my style or teaching methods, when needed, to deliver consistent results.

Your own experiences of education and the teachers you have met will shape your view of the profession and your role as a teacher. Before you read on, just write down the first three things that come into your head when you describe your new job. Now you have done that, read it back to yourself.


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