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AMU Maulana Azad Library

Maulana Azaad Library

Maulana Azad Library is that the focal library of the Aligarh Muslim University which is unbelievable for its significant assortments of compositions, interesting books and curios. M.A. Library as of now holds very 13 lakhs volumes of books and buys into famous examination diaries and data sets. The library meets the prerequisites of its understudies, scholastics and exploration researchers with a decent scope of library administrations given by very 110 school and departmental libraries including Engineering School Library, Medical College Library, science Cyber Library and Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Library. Moreover, According to the Wikipedia Amu Maulana Azad Library is Asia’s one of the greatest Library.

The Central Library of the Aligarh Muslim University famously alluded to as Maulana Azad Library is one among the main college libraries of the planet which has around 18,00,000 volumes of books and 55,097 current diaries in hard and delicate duplicates.

M.A. Library is that the Central Library of the University with very 110 sister libraries (school/departmental libraries). It’s a World popular storehouse of uncommon compositions and books in Urdu, Persian and Arabic dialects. One among the premier valued a piece of the Library is its Manuscripts Division which have around 16,000 uncommon and priceless compositions on Islam, Hinduism, and so on.

M.A. Library has presented cutting edge data innovation and it’s completely robotized with LibSys 7.0 programming which associates most 3,000 PCs inside the University likewise on the grounds that the focuses in far off states. The 3M security framework and three dozen CCTV cameras guarantee wellbeing of the Library material. North of 8,000 understudies, educators and different individuals visit the Library close to 24 hours.

Aligarh Muslim University Maulana's Azad Library Divisions Oriental Division in AMU Library

M.A. Library have around 1.5 lakh books in Persian, Urdu, Arabic, Hindi and Sanskrit dialects on most the topics showed inside the University. Research researchers of Persian, Arabic, Urdu, History, Islamic Studies, West Asian examinations, Unani Medicine, Theology, Mass Communication are its customary clients. This Division includes an exceptionally huge assortment of interesting books distributed during the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years. One among them is that the Latin interpretation of the observed Arabic chips away at optics, Opticam Prafatis by Ibn-al-Haitham (965-1039 AD) which was distributed in 1572 and other on Avicennas (Ibn-e-Sinas 980-1037 AD) Al-Qanun (1593 AD). Digitization of the intriguing printed books is continuous and close to a portion of the assortments of Manuscripts and very 15,000 interesting books have previously been digitized.

Composition Division

It comprises of the numerous uncommon original copies. Among its rarities, the most established composition a duplicate of Quran saved inside the Library is more than 1400 years of age. It’s a small part of Holy Quran translated by Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam which is composed on material in Kufi script. Another interesting composition is that the Halnama of Bayazid Ansari and a reproduction of Nahjul Balagha of Hazrat Ali. There are a few farmans (orders) of the Mughal rulers like Babur, Akbar, Shahjahan, Shah Alam, Aurangzeb and so on. One more valued ownership of the Library might be a Shirt (Kurta) which was worn by heroes of Mughal Emperors. Among the Mughal period canvases might be a Red Tulip, a show-stopper of Mansoor Naqqash, the court craftsman of Emperor Jahangir. Significant Sanskrit chips away at Hinduism deciphered in Persian likewise are accessible inside the Library. One among them might be a Persian interpretation of Bhagwat Geeta by Abul Faiz Faizi. Different belongings are the Telugu and Malyalam compositions composed on palm leaves.

Maulana Azad Library

Maulana Azad Library - Protection and Binding Section

The Library is incredibly much worried about the protection and safeguarding of the World’s narrative legacy. It keeps a Conservation Laboratory for original copies and Bindery for books, diaries, papers and so on. At the center of our work, is that the consideration and comprehension of the assortments. The Library utilizes a combination of “preventive” and “interventive” exercises. Decrease and at every possible opportunity, disposal of the reasons for corruption is that awesome and most affordable system for assortment.

Collection Development Division

This Division is responsible for choosing, requesting and procuring books and different archives. In choosing books and reference sources, distinguishing proof of the prerequisites of instructive local area, current fields of study and scholarly levels are thought about. The assets are procured subsequent to searching through records, audits, ideas of subject specialists and by visiting book fairs and so forth. Gift and Exchange is furthermore one among the significant movement of the Library where reports of the numerous dialects are gotten as gift particularly in Urdu, Arabic and Persian. Individual creators additionally like better to give duplicates of their works. Confidential assortments from famous characters additionally are gotten as gift occasionally.

Maulana Azad Library-Flow Division

The Circulation Division of the University Library gives open admittance to issuable books to its understudies, workforce and staff. Clients can go to stacks straightforwardly for choice of the predetermined books and after determination can acquire them.

Periodicals Division

This Division is at risk for gathering and dealing with the periodicals which contain the freshest data on current turns of events. The Library bends over backward to secure the greatest possible level of number of diaries regarding all matters of review. This Division additionally acquires and deals with the current papers and general magazines. at the present , around 700 diaries in message and 16000 e-diaries are bought in moreover to a few World popular data sets for exploration and reference.

Computer Applications Division (CAD)

The Division has begun housekeeping activities in Acquisition, Periodical, Technical and Circulation Divisions. The Library might be a piece of the fiber optic based grounds LAN. Of 175 PC, 100 PCs are only accessible for the usage of exploration researchers and school individuals inside the Library. PC Applications Division plans and creates numerous utility programming for the effortless running of library beside support of fundamental Maulana Azad Library programming for example LibSys. Preparing and help is likewise given to clients and staff of the college in regards to data recovery and information section.

Computer Applications Division (CAD)

The Maulana Azad Library gives grounds wide admittance to online assets through an exceptional Computer Lab having 100 hubs. This Center gives admittance to the bought in additionally as open access assets accessible to the University. Discs of talks of IITians, Medical instructional exercises, reference reports, and so forth likewise are available inside the Digital Resources Centre.

Research and Reference Section

The reference apparatuses accessible on paper structure during this Section are mostly the word references, reference books, catalogs, registries, records, geological sources, subject word references, measurable sources, schedules, yearbooks, accounts, gazetteers, registration reports measurable data sources, genuine data sources and so on. The staff working inside the part guide understudies and different searchers in finding and giving the predefined material out of the reference sources.

                                                                                                          Sir Syed Section

The Maulana Azad Library includes a different room during which books composed by Sir Syed likewise as on Sir Syed are kept. The Aligarh Institute Gazette began by Sir Syed in 1866, Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq began in 1870 and Aasar-us-Sanadeed (about landmarks of Delhi) additionally are accessible in Sir Syed Section which is counseled generally by researchers from India and abroad.

                                                                                                          Braille Section

One of the extraordinary highlights of Maulana Azad Library is its support of the outwardly impeded understudies through Braille Section. Beside the books in Braille script, an outsized number of archives in electronic arrangement and gadgets likewise are accessible during this part which is given to the researchers . Holy messenger Pro, a versatile like contraption for recording the study hall talks and observing the generally recorded books are given to all or any the researchers for the entire term of the course.

                                                                                                        Understanding Halls

There are six huge size perusing lobbies beside eight little perusing rooms with a substantialness of around 2000 understudies all at once.

                                                                                                        Papers Reading Area

Practically all ongoing papers and magazines of English, Urdu and Hindi are accessible inside the Library. Back records of some presumed
papers additionally are being saved and kept up with.

                                                                                                Waterway Ganga Repository

The reason for River Ganga Repository is to assemble, arrange and make available to the planet, the writing and other data concerning the waterway Ganga which can be used in cleaning and restoring the stream Ganga. AMU has previously accumulated assortment of books, reports, expositions and propositions which are presently a piece of the storehouse.


M.A. Library began AMULIBNET in 2012 to work with the sister libraries to transfer the bibliographic data of their assortment to the midway found server to show up on OPAC.

                                                                                                         Library Collections

The Maulana Azad Library assortment involves around 18,00,000 archives including books, periodicals, papers, propositions, papers, reports, flyers, original copies, works of art, photos, CDs, microfilms, information bases, digital books, talking books and so on. There are around 15,000 proposals and expositions shaping maybe the main assortment of such records inside the Country. Other than text assortments of around 13,00,000 books, around 1,20,000 digital books and three ,00,000 full text proposals are accessible on the web. Truth be told, the Library carries out the roles of a reference library up to this point on the grounds that the books and original copies in oriental dialects are concerned.

                                                                                                         Library Services

The Library gives a decent scope of administrations to its clients including recovery of information , direction, help with finding/looking of records, warning administrations, current mindfulness administration (CAS), bibliographic assistance, bibliographic guidelines, entomb library credit, association of displays, cutting , reprographic administration, print office and so forth.

                                                                                                 Print and Photocopying Facilities

Print and copy offices are accessible inside the Library with negligible charge.


Other than understudies, educators and other staff of the University, all individuals from the University Court, the main Council and board of trustees are qualified for enrollment. The University Librarian is allowed for giving participation to the next individual too.

                                                                                                           Library Hours

The Library stays open for 18 hours every day on the entire days with the exception of several public and strict occasions. During the assessment time frame, the opening times are additionally broadened.

Awards & Achievements

  • Maulana Azad Library has been pronounced in light of the fact that the best among all Indian college libraries by NAAC Peer Team in 2015.
  • Maulana Azad Library is that the top supporter of the National Digital Library of India (NDLI).
  • Maulana Azad Library has been top supporter of Shodhganga during 2015 and is that the fourth biggest benefactor thereto now.
  • AMU is that the champ of Pro-Quest/Theses most noteworthy use Award.

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